Children's Ear Piercing

Children’s Ear Piercing


Do you pierce children’s ear lobes?

The answer is yes!

Piercing children’s ear lobes can be a really special  moment and can create a life long memory. It is a privilege to be a part of something so special and begin their piercing journey correctly. Above all else we want to provide a safe, fun and positive experience for your child.

How do we pierce children’s ears?

Like any professional piercing procedure we use sterile, single use needles designed specifically for body piercing. This is the safest and gentlest way to pierce ear lobes.

Why don’t you use a piercing gun?

The Association of Professional Piercers states,

“While piercing guns may seem to be a quick, easy, and convenient way of creating holes, they have major drawbacks in terms of sterility, tissue damage, and inappropriate jewellery design.”

Pre- piercing consultation

We require consultations for children 10 years and younger. This is a free consultation where we can meet you and your child and is intended to build familiarity and confidence. We will show you through the studio, look at some jewellery options, go through aftercare instructions and answer all the questions you and your child may have about ear piercings. We have found that this makes the piercing significantly easier because nothing is new and scary. This also allows children time to think about if they really want their ear lobes pierced and not feel pressured if they are not ready just yet.

Pre piercing consultation is to be booked first.

The piercing appointment for children can only be booked once a pre piercing consultation has been attended.

This is the number one question we get asked everyday and I think we have a responsibility to answer honestly. In short, the answer is yes. Any piercing will be a little uncomfortable however, when done correctly any discomfort will be over very quickly.

Our piercers will talk your child through every step of the piercing and make sure it is a positive experience. It is not uncommon to hear some giggles coming from the piercing room. 

Will It Hurt?

The piercing procedure fee for a pair of ear lobes is $60 plus the jewellery cost. The jewellery prices range from $150 for a pair of implant grade titanium flat back studs with Swarovski gem settings that are guaranteed for life. 

How much does ear piercing cost?

Generally we start piercing children’s ear lobes at a minimum of 5 years. At this age they can understand what is involved, listen to the instructions given by the piercer during the procedure to ensure their safety and understand how to care for their new piercings. However, every child is different and it is important that they are ready to have their ears pierced no matter what age they are. 

How old does my child have to be?


Notes for parents


We understand that this is a very exciting time and you want to share that with friends and family. Although we may think having friends and family present will be more comfortable for your child in actual fact it can be more distracting for everyone involved. The piercer needs space and quiet so they can concentrate and guide you and your child through the piercing process. This becomes increasing difficult when there are more people present so just you and your child in the piercing room is ideal. 

Friends and family are welcome to wait in the studio however, children must be supervised by an adult at all times and behave appropriately.

Can we bring friends and family to watch ?

This is totally ok and happens from time to time. We encourage you to let the piercer handle the situation as they see fit. Our piercers are very experienced dealing with these situations and will never make your child do anything they are not ready for. Sometimes the situation can be made worse by parents stepping in and trying to manage the situation. Often your calm presence is all the encouragement your child needs. 

At any time during the piercing procedure if the child is having difficulty relaxing or listening to instructions the piercer may advise against continuing with the piercings. We want this to be a positive experience for your child not a traumatic one.

What happens if my child becomes upset during the piercing procedure?